If you see charges on your payment account you donât recognize, check the following before contacting our support:
Here are some examples of what you may see on your statement to describe the charges to Xsolla:
Xsolla_Roblox, Xsolla*EFT, SURAWAY Ltd, Xsolla Inc., Xsolla_MTG ARENA INTERNET, Xsolla *civilization h.xsolla.com.ca and others.
If that was not helpful and you donât recognize the charges on your account, please contact us to find out more information about it with payment details: such as date, the charge amount, and payment account.
If you have any questions, get quicker chat support in your Xsolla Wallet account, or send us an e-mail in the form bellow.
Use the form on the right to send an email to our support team. Please provide as much information as possible and we will assist you.
For immediate help, you can contact our support team in the live chat from your Xsolla Wallet account.