How can we help?


We process thousands of payment types from all over the world. These are the most popular card types we support:

  • credit card,
  • debit card,
  • prepaid card,
  • gift card.

You can use Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Discover, or Cash App сards. If you have any issues, please contact our support for assistance. You may receive the error 1058:

Error 1058

The transaction was declined. Please use a different card or contact your bank.

This error may appear when your bank issuer does not validate your purchase. In order to validate it, reach out to the bank and inform them that you authorize purchases for this merchant. You can also use a different card or another payment option to complete your payment.

Error 3030

The payment method you selected is unavailable in your region. Please try again with a different payment method or contact our customer support for further assistance at

This error means:

  • You are trying to make a payment with a Maestro card. In this case, please choose another payment option to complete your payment.
  • If you are trying to use another payment option, the payment provider may experience temporary technical issues.

If you can’t complete the transaction, please contact us and we will help resolve this issue.

If you have any questions, get quicker chat support in your Xsolla Wallet account, or send us an e-mail in the form bellow.


Use the form on the right to send an email to our support team. Please provide as much information as possible and we will assist you.

For immediate help, you can contact our support team in the live chat from your Xsolla Wallet account.

Average response time : 10 hours for tickets