How can we help?


  • Your payment attempt was not successful as it was declined by our security system. You will see an error message on the payment page. Please note that the charge will not clear, and the money will be back in your account within 1-10 days depending on the chosen payment system.

  • Your payment attempt might be declined by the payment system, but the funds are still pending. Please be advised that the charge will not clear, and the money will be back into your account within 1-10 days, depending on the chosen payment system.

  • The payment is still processed on the side of the payment system, which can take up to 5 business days. As soon as we receive the funds, you will receive the purchase on your account and receive a receipt.

  • If you did not enter your email address during the payment process, the receipt will not be delivered to your email automatically. Check if your account was charged, and, if it was, contact us so we can investigate the issue. Find out how you can receive a receipt for your payment.

If you have any questions, get quicker chat support in your Xsolla Wallet account, or send us an e-mail in the form bellow.


Use the form on the right to send an email to our support team. Please provide as much information as possible and we will assist you.

For immediate help, you can contact our support team in the live chat from your Xsolla Wallet account.

Average response time : 10 hours for tickets